Clannad Series Part 2: Orcs of the Folly

When my spouse and I started the very first campaign set on Rasherochernon’s Folly almost a decade ago, I was still learning the ropes of GMing. I mean, I’m always learning and re-learning the ropes, but they were still very new ropes to me, and I had the fresh blisters to show for it. In…

Clannad Series Part 1: Humans of the Folly

My spouse wrote up the first in our series on the clannad of Rasherochernon’s Folly, our homebrew campaign setting. Hereafter I leave you in her capable hands. 🙂 First, we should start by repeating the caveat that cultures are variegated, and that posts addressing culture families in our homebrew campaign address them only in the…

Interim update

It’s been a couple of weeks, but I haven’t forgotten about the blog. I’ve spent most of that time sick. Our youngest came down with a piteous cough that just wouldn’t go away. Within a week my spouse and I fell victim. I’m now timing when I can chug Robitussin down to the minute so…