Sprite Stitch SAL, Update 3

Here’s how my band sampler for the Sprite Stitch stitch-a-long stood as of two days ago: My spouse and I went on a small weekend trip to a camp in the Adirondacks for a low-key tenth anniversary celebration. It was our first time to both be away from the kids overnight, and the first time…


(It’s actually been out for a few days. It’s been hard for me to get online. >.> ) STAR TREK CROSS-STITCH is on shelves now! I can’t say enough good things about this book. (And I’m not making any money off it, so you know it’s an endorsement from the heart. 😛 ) The book…

Craft update: SAL sampler; Black Mage

The SpriteStitch sampler stitch-a-long might be officially over, but I fell behind quickly due to real life. I’m still plugging away, though. I finally (!) finished the second band of the sampler today, the arrows from DDR: After that photo, I also started on band 3, kuja.girl’s excellent Journey band. I still haven’t picked my…

d12 Unusual NPCs

Keetsa Quick: a kobold courier. She’s fast enough on her own, having an extra two squares’ worth of movement (or whatever unit you use) on foot per round, but she usually rides an Acrotholus audeti (update: link was broken; found a new one) or war dog for wilderness jobs. She’s not allied with any particular…

Tabletop: The Blessing and Curse of Poor Record-Keeping

My spouse and I have been running an off-and-on one-on-one campaign for about nine years now. It’s one of those campaigns that trickles into every corner of our lives, whose characters are like friends and whose events form reference points and in-jokes which could never possibly be explained to outsiders. In a way, the campaign…